A skinny pink stroke
Across the gray
Above the creamy dawn
Welcomes you to
Another day
Another morn
The trees still naked
Still stretching
to the sky
The birds waking
With their chorus
After their sleepy night
It's chilly
And it's quiet
The sheep nibbling
On the dewy grass
Another day in lockdown
How many days
Will it last
Another day in lockdown
Another day of wait and see
Another day frontline
and essential workers
Still working still
looking after you and me
As the tendrils of the virus
Are tracked and checked
And traced
Some are testing
some are nervous
But staying home
We watch and wait
The sky turns brighter blue
The sun's getting warmer
You can feel it in the air
The buds know it too
spring is on the way
and even though
it's lockdown
it's just another day!
Wendy Bremner