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Hunua Ranges

ever present

always changing

she heaves the damp cloak

of night around her curves and crevices

her shadow fading across the valley

her breath mists up to meet the clouds

waiting for the moon to beam

from behind them

settling for the long night shift

teaming with life beneath

and within her mass

she welcomes the rain

filling her river

feeding her thirsty forest

overflowing into her dams

cascading down her falls

she will change with the dawn

and the cacophony of birdsong

the unique sound of kokako

and trumpets of the Tui

her many shades of green

will be on display

as the sun reflects off the leaves

all shapes and sizes and

silver bellies of ferns in her bosom

her tracks get tramped

her peace treasured

she is rugged

she is beautiful

she is magnificent

she is Te Ngāherehere ō Kohukohunui

she is home

Wendy Bremner

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